Telegram Premium Upgrade

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Upgrade Your Telegram Experience with Our Premium Subscription!

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to endless possibilities with our Telegram Premium Upgrade for your personal account. Our service guarantees a 0% ban rate, is 100% legal and safe, and comes with a warranty according to the plan you select. Plus, the delivery time is fast - between 0 and 24 hours.


Here's how it works:

simply provide us with the Telegram username of the account you want to upgrade and we'll send the upgrade directly to your account as a gift. You'll enjoy the benefits of our Premium subscription for the entire duration of your selected plan. It's important to note that breaking any warranty terms or product ToS rules can void your subscription.



Our Premium subscription comes with a range of benefits, including double limits for channels, folders, pins, and more. You'll also enjoy voice-to-text conversion, faster download speed, real-time translation, animated emotes, infinite reactions, 4GB upload size, emoji status and profile badge, advanced chat management, no ads, and premium stickers.



To ensure the best experience for our customers, there are a few requirements you must meet. Namely, you must not have an active subscription already.

  • We take our warranty seriously, and we're committed to providing a reliable and trustworthy service. However, breaking any product ToS rule or any rule from our Discord or Telegram can void your warranty. We reserve the right to select our customers, and any chargeback attempt or dispute created on payment will void your warranty and ban you from our shop.

If you need any help with your order or have any questions, we're here to assist. Simply create a ticket on our Discord or contact support on Telegram. Don't forget to include your product code received via email to confirm your purchase.

Upgrade your Telegram experience today - you won't regret it!


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